Friday 1 July 2011

Form filling

Just had two letter from the student finance people demanding information about my income.

I'm getting quite upset about the amount of information this particular department keep asking for, and seriously question why they're asking in the first place.

My son (2nd of 4) is at university.  He's twenty.  When it comes to child benefit, tax credits and the like he's considered a non dependent adult.  When it comes to assessing his financial position he's still our dependent child.

Because I've taken early retirement, our family income has crashed.  OK, I've asked for current year assessment of our income and given details.  They've now asked for details and proof of my 2008/2009 income - Firstly I've already given them this information as my first son was at university over this time, secondly what possible bearing has that years income got on this years application?

This all comes after the hassle of filling in my annual self assessment tax form.  I've got a very small self employed income and the amount of work it takes to record and fill in the forms positively encourages anyone to cheat and not declare small amounts of income.

This brings me to the big question.  Is the government system meant to be serving us, the people, or are we meant to be slaves pandering to every whim of the government system.

Yes I know there's quite a bit of fraud going on, and I accept that if I 'try it on' the system should come down hard on me.  BUT, I play by the rules and meticulously follow the advice I'm given - I'm still repeatedly hassled for the same information by different government departments, and the threatening tone the take BEFORE any wrongdoing has taken place is completely over the top.

Try chucking your telly out as I did a few years ago and see if officialdom assumes your innocence when it comes to not having a TV licence!

I've come across individuals working for the government who are friendly and helpful, and others who are right bureaucratic pains in the posterior;  I'm not particularly having a go at the people who operate the system but the complexity of the systems and the alienation engendered by the assumption of guilt the letters they send so often have.

MPs are supposed to represent us and serve our needs, as are all the various civil servants.

If they wish to serve my needs, please provide simple transparent systems I can understand.  I don't wish to avoid my responsibilities, but for heavens sake keep it all simple so I don't inadvertently break the law.  I don't earn that much that I can afford (or justify) spending hundred or thousands of pounds on professional advisers.  If I'm suspected of fraud, or for a random check, I'll cooperate with any investigation - up until the point anyone is found guilty of fraud, please treat us with a decent amount of respect.

I also didn't vote for any government to spend more than the country can afford, and certainly not to get us all into debt.

Re the strikes going on at the moment.  15,00 employees going from Lloyds, private pensions decimated by G Brown changes to pension taxes.  Government employees need to have a look at the world outside before they think they're hard done by.

Re Greek riots.  They're not helping anybody, but I can't help wondering why the British people aren't on the streets rioting about things like the national debt, officialdoms attitudes, stupid priorities...

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