Wednesday 20 July 2011


Guy had a go at me because I was wearing my fox t shirt.
Apparently his rabbits were eaten by a fox.
Still don't know why he decided to have a go at me.  I can see that it's upsetting to have your rabbits eaten in this way, but my shirt only depicted a fox and cubs, there was no slogan supporting foxes rights or anything.
The only reply I could give him was that foxes are vermin and wild animals and they will obey their instincts and do things like this.
What I would have liked to say to him -
It's really cruel of you to keep rabbits in a hutch just for your entertainment.  If you're going to keep a foxes natural prey contained where it can't escape it's YOUR responsibility to keep the animals safe.  If you know there are foxes about the hutch must be fox proof (and then some!)  Foxes are intelligent animals, but you can't expect them to realise your pets are off limits to them.
Not wanting to start a punch up, I refrained from saying this, but it's a pretty nasty type of person who will have a go at a stranger about something that's really their own fault.  However upset they are.

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