Friday 22 July 2011

Wishful thinking

Fox in my garden has been suffering from mange for a while.  I sent off for some mange treatment, and the honey sandwich I've been putting out for him with the treatment on has disappeared regularly.  Hadn't seen him for a few days, but yesterday the fox turned up at sundown with quite a bit of fur on his tail - still very manky, but not the bare bone of a tail he'd had before.  With just enough light I took a photo and posted on facebook proclaiming success with the treatment!
This morning scruff the fox was in next doors garden - still with his bare bone of a tail.  Closer inspection of yesterday's fox photo shows it's clearly a different fox with a black cast to his back fur.  The amount of fur is very obviously too much to have regrown in the few days I haven't seen him.
So ... we have a second fox with mange visiting our garden.  Question is, how do I tell the foxes only to eat one sandwich each if I now put out two sandwiches a day?

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