Friday 24 June 2011

One of those days

We'd arranged to pick up our son from Keele uni today.  Not hearing from him we'd assumed he wasn't ready to be picked up - until a phone call at 9:30 this morning.  Its a good 7 hours driving there and back.  We thought of deferring until Monday, but with various commitments that wasn't on.  So -  we phone him back and his phone wasn't on, left a message that we were setting out to pick him up about 16:00 with an evening run home.  Filled the car with diesel and started the run, he phoned us soon after we'd started to confirm OK.
All worked out OK, but on the M11 on the way back it was dark and raining heavily.  As we passed Stanstead I was doing 70mph, traffic coming out of Stanstead surrounded us, the spray from all these vehicles in close proximity created a sheet of spray over the road surface.  Road markings were invisible, even the cats eyes vanished.  The closeness of the traffic precluded slowing down, so it was hang on to the wheel, rely on the leading cars staying on the road, and everyone else keeping station relative to each other.  The only sure mark I had to ensure I was in the right place was the reflected tail light glow from the concrete central fence.
Once out of that situation I slowed down and dropped into the slow lane = the white line at the left hand egde stayed visible, even under considerable spray.
Further on, there was a sports car that hadn't been so lucky - parked backwards into the central reservation with hazards on.  Obviously he'd had  a problem and spun off - didn't look badly damaged, but not a good place to end up in.
Just got home and this is the best idea I can think of for today's blog...
And scruff got his sandwich late.

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