Tuesday 28 June 2011

End of the scorcher

Another lazy day this morning basking in glorious sun.
A couple of hours ago the birds were singing mightily in the trees at the bottom of our garden.  Not the usual alarms and territorial squabbles, just a loud hubbub of quite musical singing.
Attuned more to nature after spending many weekends in the woods with a bushcraft school, I noticed the pressure was dropping - difficult to say how you recognise this, but you can feel it, it just takes familiarity to recognise what you're feeling!
Insects disappear...  sitting in the garden beetles and flies and jumping things regularly irritate you, but they'd all gone.  Examining a couple of ants nests they've all gone home and battened down the hatches as well.
The a sudden temperature drop, a sure sign of a cold front reaching us.  Faint thunder in the distance which even now is growing louder.  A few gulls and swifts can be seen, maybe looking for insects fleeing the oncoming storm, this front must be moving fast as they move on pretty rapidly.
14:20 now, no rain yet.  I've brought the washing in, cleared my drying tinder into a paper carrier bag (it was drying on the patio) and brought everything in.

I'll update this entry later - it's the first time I've really looked at all the things happening in the garden as a front comes in.  Thunder rumbles continuously in the distance...

Here comes the rain.  Had a walk round the garden in the initial downpour - very refreshing after the hot weather.  All the wildlife has taken shelter, just one barmy bushcrafter out enjoying the experience.
Boom!  First close thunderclap just exploded and the rain intensifies

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