Saturday 29 October 2011

Pleasure of shopping

No names, but recently bought a new laptop for my son and a tower PC for the home office.

WHY is it so difficult for a major chain store to operate a decent stock system and simply sell you what you want.

1.  Select item to buy.
2. Find staff member.
3.  Check item is in stock - no it's not.
4. Go to next store where they have stock.
5. Repeat steps 1-3 ( it is in stock, but is reserved)
6. Select alternate item.
7. Repeat steps 1-3 then 6  three times.
8.  Walk out of store and buy item cheaper in a non-specialist store.

When you can buy what you want there is then the the hassle of persuading the staff you really don't want support, insurance, any other items.  Just sell me the damn thing please.

Most of the staff are trying their best to be helpful, but are caught in the inflexible systems.  I had a wonderful explanation for the item being out of stock.  Apparently I was selecting the best value most popular PCs 'which keep running out of stock'.  I thought a basic stock system should identify fast selling lines and ensure they can keep selling them.

I know I'm not the only individual who's been put off this particular shop - it takes too long to identify out of stock items which is just so frustrating.  No discount is given if the display model is all that is left, and I was told it can take three hours to re-initialise the disk and memory before sale is possible.  They're not even particularly good value.

Progress?  Bah Humbug.

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