Friday 21 October 2011

Facebook friends

Just been defriended by a guy on facebook because I disagreed with his views on Dale farm.

He posted on a contentious issue, in my view (I live quite near the site) he was very misinformed about what was going on there.  He dismissed several people posting views opposed to his own as 'gypsy haters' and told them to 'p*** off' with use of the f word elsewhere on his posts.

Seems to me he thought his views were 'good' and therefore could not be challenged by mere facts.  This way leads to prejudice, bigotry and intolerance of others' views.  You see the same thing with animal welfare fanatics, eco-warriors and indeed pavement cyclists.  Their idea they are doing 'good' things seems to blind them to any rational arguments that they may be in the wrong.

Swearing and name calling have no place on any public forum, it's simply crass rudeness to all who see the posts.

The higher the density we live at, and the greater the ease of mass communication, the more important it becomes that we all 'play nice' and are polite and tolerant to each other.  Hostility and a refusal to consider other peoples rights harms us all through increased levels of minor stress we have to constantly bear.

Smiles, please, thank you and sorry cost us nothing but give both the donor and recipient a better life.

I do my casual jobs well and often receive spontaneous thanks and have even had the occasional round of applause.  While I need the money the jobs bring, I value the thanks higher than mere cash.

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