Wednesday 4 January 2012

Freezer defrost

When you're watching, the thawed water obediently drips down the outlet into your tray.

Leave it unwatched for five minutes and the floor floods...

Monday 2 January 2012

Murder living at such high densities

More murders over the xmas/new year.  Back in the seventies there was research into high density living using loads of rats crammed into small spaces.  The results were the sort of mental problems and aggression we're getting in cities now.
Unless people are prepared to make the effort to obey all the rules PLUS be nice to each other (i.e. be civilized) the minor stresses of high density living inevitably lead to this sort of behaviour.  I've personally been through a nervous breakdown - the work stress that allegedly caused it was only part of the problem.  The constant drip of minor irritations and rudenesses while commuting and moving about London meant that it was just too hard to deal with the major work stress that I'd coped with fine for many years while working locally with relatively polite neighbours.